Statement of privacy

When using our website located at: (hereinafter referred to as the Website), commanding our services, in particular, making online booking of a transfer through the Website (hereinafter referred to as Booking), you entrust your personal information to us. In this regard, you may want to carefully read this Statement of Privacy (hereinafter referred to as the Statement).
This Statement explains how iWay Express, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) processes and protects information about you, your personal data that you provided us (hereinafter referred to as the Personal Data).
Ensuring the security of the Personal Data received from you is one of the Company's priorities.
The processing of Personal Data throughout the text of the Statement includes actions that we take in relation to the information provided by you when using the Website, making a Booking.
Within the framework of relations between us, we are the controller of the Personal Data you provide, we are responsible for preserving their confidentiality. We try our best to ensure the security of information received from you, and also give you the opportunity to independently manage your data, which is the ability to send us a request for editing, limiting, deleting Personal Data.

1. Personal Data We Process
1.1. The Company collects information about you, which you enter in the data fields on the Website. For example, you can provide your surname, first name, e-mail address, contact phone number and/or other information for the purpose of registering in the Company’s system.
1.2. We do not process special categories of Personal Data about you - information related to race, ethnicity, health, sexual life and orientation, genetic data, political opinions, religious or other beliefs, membership in trade union organizations, or any unique biometrics data used for identification purposes.
1.3. In accordance with the laws of some countries, in order to provide our services, it may be necessary for you to provide additional information about you or /and the persons for whom you are booking, including passport data. In this case, the Company will send you a request for the provision of the necessary information about you and / or the persons for whom you are booking, to the email address you specified when making the Booking. If the necessary information is not provided in the manner prescribed by the terms of our services, we will not be able to provide the service requested by you and will be forced to refuse to provide it.
1.4. In exceptional cases, we may use the health information you voluntarily submit to provide you with a higher level of service that best meets your needs (for example, to provide a special vehicle for persons with physical disabilities).
1.5. The personal data we process include the following information about you:
1.5.1. surname;
1.5.2. first name;
1.5.3. patronymic (if applicable);
1.5.4. contact phone number;
1.5.5. e-mail address;
1.5.6. order history;
1.5.7. messages and other information that you provide to us through the Website or by sending a message to our email address, including without expressly sending you a request to provide it.
1.6. For the purpose of protecting your Personal Data, we recommend you do not provide any information not specifically requested.
1.7. If you travel together with someone and provide us with their data for Booking, or if you make a Booking on behalf of someone else, you need to make sure that the person or persons whose personal information you provided us are aware about it, understand and agree that the Company uses their data as described in this Statement, because this is your responsibility.
1.8. The submission of your Personal Data is voluntary. You are not required to provide us with personal information upon our request, however, if you do not provide the requested information, in some cases we will not be able to provide you with a service or respond to your request. For example, we will not be able to process your Booking unless we receive information about your first name, surname, contact phone number and e-mail address.
1.9. You may limit the amount and nature of Personal Data if you decide not to provide us with these data in full, for example, not to enter your Personal Data into the forms and data fields on the Company's Website. We recommend that you take a responsible approach to the issue of limiting the information provided to us; we hereby inform you that our obligations under the law or agreements entered into by the Company with you or in your interests can be performed only if you provide the appropriate Personal data.

2. Purposes and Methods of Processing Personal Data
2.1. The processing of your Personal Data is carried out with the view to personalizing and enabling you to make Booking, providing you, as a consumer, with quality services, in case you express intention to use the services we provide, as well as to answer your messages and questions, to support you as the Website user.
2.2. The Company may process your Personal Data for the purposes of complying with legal requirements, for example, if it is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of you or other entities, to perform a task in the public interest, to comply with our legal obligations.
2.3. We process your Personal data using automation tools by collecting, recording, organizing, accumulating, storing, refining (updating, changing), retrieving, using, transferring, depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, eliminating Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of applicable legislation on personal data protection.
2.4. We may use your Personal Data for furnishing you with information in order to advertise the services of the Company, to inform you about the promotions conducted by us. We use your contact phone number or/and e-mail address that you provide when registering on the Website or/and making a Booking, to contact you, to send you messages during the delivery of services to ensure their proper quality.

3. Consent to the Processing of Personal Data
3.1. In the use of our services and the Website, we ask you for confirmation of familiarization with the Statement. By confirming the said familiarization, you express your consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data in accordance with the description provided in the Statement, confirm that you are familiar with the Statement, understand and agree with it.
3.2. We process your Personal Data for the purpose of providing you with our services and the services of the Website. If it is necessary to use your Personal Data for purposes not related to those specified herein, we will certainly ask you for additional consent.
3.3. By making a Booking and/or registering on the Website, you express your consent to receive information and promotional materials from the Company, including those related to the execution of your order, to your contact phone number and/or e-mail address within 5 (five) years from the time of registration and/or Booking.
3.4. The target audience of our services and the Website is adults; we do not intentionally collect personal information of minors. However, a situation may arise when a person who is under the age of majority decides to familiarize itself with the services on our Website or make a Booking. The use of any services offered by the Company by minors is permitted only with the consent of the parent or guardian. If you are a parent or guardian, do not allow your children to provide personal information without your consent.
3.5. If we become aware that the Company processes information about minors without the proper consent of the parent or guardian, we reserve the right to delete such information.

4. Providing Personal Data to Third Parties
4.1. Under certain circumstances, we may transfer your Personal Data to third parties. We undertake to transfer your Personal Data to third parties only in the exceptional cases expressly specified herein. By using our services and our Website, you understand and agree to the transfer of your Personal Data to third parties in the cases provided in this Statement.
4.2. We have the right to provide Personal Data to providers with whom we have contracts and who help us in the implementation of the trips you booked on the Website. In order to complete your Booking and provide you with a proper service, we pass the relevant information about the Booking to the provider. Such information includes your surname, first name, contact phone number, e-mail address, other information about the requirements for the trip you specified when booking.
4.3. The Company's rule is to impose to the organizations with which we cooperate the confidentiality requirements for the Personal Data provided by us in the framework of the cooperation, in addition to the application of adequate technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Data when used in the provision of services for the Company.
4.4. We may be required to provide your Personal Data to the competent authorities in the required amount by virtue of express reference by the law, the requirements of the proceedings, in response to the requirements of public authorities. We may also provide your Personal Data if it is necessary for national security, law enforcement, or other important public purposes.
4.5. In addition, we may need to transfer Personal Data to the competent authorities in order to protect rights, property or reduce possible damage to the Company and/or our business partners.
4.6. Depending on the conditions of your Booking, we may need to transfer your Personal Data to providers to other countries. Despite the fact that the laws on the protection of personal data in different countries may not be as perfect as in your country, our Company undertakes to take appropriate measures to ensure that your Personal Data is provided with an adequate level of protection in compliance with legal requirements.

5. Your Rights
5.1. We want you to control how we use your Personal Data. This can be done in the following ways:
5.1.1. you can always use the right to get acquainted with what your Personal data is stored with us. An overview of the Personal Data may be obtained by sending us an appropriate request;
5.1.2. you can inform us of any changes in your Personal Data or ask us to correct any information in those Personal Data that is stored with us;
5.1.3. in some cases, you may ask us to delete Personal Data, block or restrict their processing, and also send a waiver regarding the specific use of your Personal Data;
5.1.4. in some cases, you can contact us so that we send your Personal Data provided to us to third parties;
5.1.5. you may revoke your consent to the processing of your Personal Data at any time. This will not affect the legality of the processing of Personal Data based on your consent until its withdrawal. At the same time, we ask you to take a responsible approach to making this decision, since if we do not have the necessary consent to process Personal Data, unless there is any other legal basis for processing your Personal Data, we will not be able to provide you with a service or respond to your request.
5.2. You may request us to delete Personal Data in the following cases:
5.2.1. Personal Data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
5.2.2. if you revoke your consent on the basis of which the processing was carried out, and if we have no other legal basis for the processing;
5.2.3. Personal Data has been processed improperly;
5.2.4. Personal data must be deleted in accordance with applicable legislation;
5.2.5. in other cases stipulated by applicable legislation.
5.3. You have the right to object to the processing. You are entitled to require the Company to terminate the processing of your Personal Data in cases where such data processing is based on our legitimate business interests, except where we cannot provide a convincing legal basis for such data processing or where we need to process your Personal Data for imposing, enforcing or defending a legal claim.
5.4. You are entitled to require us to limit the processing of Personal Data in the following cases:
5.4.1. during the period when the Company evaluates or prepares an answer to your request for updating or adjusting your Personal Data;
5.4.2. if such data processing is illegal and you do not want the Company to delete your data;
5.4.3. if this data is no longer needed by the Company, but you want us to store the data to impose, enforce or defend a legal claim;
5.4.4. if you filed an objection to the processing of your data in our business interests and await our response to this request.
In the event of limitations on the processing of your Personal Data in accordance with your request, we will notify you before the resumption of processing of such data.
5.5. To exercise your every right, please contact us directly at the Company's details specified in these Regulations in Section 9 “Company’s Contacts”.
5.6. If you believe that our processing of Personal Data violates your legal rights and interests, you can also contact the appropriate authorized body that oversees compliance with the legislation on the protection of Personal Data, in accordance with applicable legislation.

6. Storage and Protection of Personal Data
6.1. We use technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your Personal Data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or access, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing, thereby ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of Personal Data.
6.2. Measures to ensure the security of Personal Data when processed by the Company include:
6.2.1. implementation of internal controls to ensure the security of Personal Data;
6.2.2. appointment of a person responsible for organizing the processing of Personal Data;
6.2.3. internal control over the compliance of the processing of Personal Data with the legislation, requirements for the protection of Personal Data established by this Statement;
6.2.4. identification of threats to the security of Personal Data during their processing, assessment of the damage that may be caused to your Personal Data;
6.2.5. detection of facts of unauthorized access to Personal Data and taking measures to prevent them;
6.2.6. restoration of Personal Data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them;
6.2.7. development of Personal Data protection system;
6.2.8. other measures to ensure the security of Personal Data.
6.3. Your Personal Data is available to a limited number of Company employees who gain access to them in the course of performing their job duties. We guarantee that our employees will comply with this Statement. To protect Personal Data, we use appropriate internal systems and procedures, ensure that employees maintain strict confidentiality of Personal Data.
6.4. When transferring your Personal Data, we use various legal mechanisms, including agreements, to ensure the security of your rights and appropriate data protection. We also demand that our service providers do everything possible to preserve the confidentiality of the Personal Data obtained within the framework of the contractual relationship with us.
6.5.We store your Personal Data exclusively for the period necessary to achieve the corresponding goal, the period necessary to enable you to use our services, to resolve disputes with any parties, and for other purposes that enable us to conduct commercial activities, including detection and prevention of fraud or other unlawful acts, in compliance with applicable legislation. The present Statement applies to all personal data we have saved.
6.6. The methods and techniques chosen and implemented by us to protect information on the Website rule out any third parties' access to the Personal Data without our consent, ensure the use of the information contained in the Personal Data, without violating the relevant legislation; an operational procedure is established which ensures the preservation of your Personal Data.

7. Personal Data We Collect Automatically
7.1. When you make a Booking and just use our Website, we automatically collect certain data about you. These include your IP address, date and time when you used our services, information about hardware and software, as well as about the internet browser you use, and information about the operating system of your computer, such as language settings. We also collect information about clicks and pages shown to you.
7.2. If you use a mobile device, we also receive data identifying your mobile device, its settings and characteristics, failures, and other system operations, your location information. When you make a Booking, our system records by which means and through which websites you made the Booking or from which websites you passed to the Website.

8. Alteration of the Statement
8.1. This Statement may be amended from time to time. In the event that significant alterations are introduced in the Statement, a link to an updated version of the Statement will appear on the main page of our Website.
8.2. Any alterations to the Statement will take effect from the date of publication of its updated version on the Website. The use of the Website, any of our products and services, and/or providing consent to the updated Statement after making such alterations means your acceptance of the revised Statement, which has entered into force.

9. Company’s Contacts
9.1. If you have any questions regarding the protection of your Personal Data, complaints or any other questions, please use one of the following ways to contact us:
9.1.1. you can send an e-mail to: booking@
9.1.2. you can send a letter to the following postal address: Czech Republic, Vlkova 532/8, Zizkov, 130 00 Praha to iWay Express, s.r.o.
9.2. We will answer you within 30 (thirty) days or as soon as possible. You can also report a problem or file a complaint with a data protection authority or other official authority within your jurisdiction.